How to Change Default Save Location in Windows 11

Changing the default save location in Windows 11 involves updating the settings for your user account to specify where files should be saved by default. Follow the steps below to change the default save location in Windows 11:

Step 1: Open Settings

To begin, open the Settings app in Windows 11. You can do this by clicking on the Start button in the lower-left corner of the screen and selecting “Settings” from the menu.

Step 2: Navigate to System Settings

In the Settings app, click on the “System” tab to access the system settings for your computer.

Step 3: Select Storage

Within the system settings, click on the “Storage” option in the left-hand menu to view storage-related settings and options for your computer.

Step 4: Click on Change Where New Content is Saved

Scroll down to the “More storage settings” section and click on the “Change where new content is saved” link to access the default save location settings.

Step 5: Choose Default Save Locations

In the default save location settings, you can specify where new apps, documents, music, pictures, and videos should be saved by default. Use the dropdown menus next to each file type to select the desired default save location for each category.

Step 6: Save Changes

Once you have selected the default save locations for each file type, click on the “Apply” button to save your changes and update the default save location settings for your user account.